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The objective of the Foothills Library Association is to bring together individuals within the Calgary library community to share & promote the concerns of the library and information professions.

FLA supports its members in being active, engaged and knowledgeable information professionals, through professional development and networking opportunities.

FLA will offer a mix of social and professional development centered events for its members

– FLA will offer Jobline to enable up-to-date access to industry postings

– FLA will primarily look to its membership as sources of expertise for professional development

– Where feasible, FLA will seek partnerships with other groups in order to broaden professional development offerings

-FLA will utilize its communication channels and its events to explore structured questions relating to challenges and trends in the information professions

– FLA will welcome non-members and those from outside the library and information professions to attend professional development programming

Membership is open to people interested in the information professions – the cost is $30 per year, or $10 per year for students.

Events and activities, such as lectures, seminars, tours organized for members and non-members from September through June, beginning with the Annual General Meeting held in the fall. The Events page also publicizes events of interest to the library community in the Prairie Provinces and British Columbia.


FLA supports its members in being active, engaged and knowledgeable information professionals, through professional development and networking opportunities.


Membership is open to people interested in the information professions. The annual fee is $30, or $10 for students. To learn more about the benefits of participating in FLA, visit the Membership page.


The FLA hosts several events throughout the year – Bubbly Brunch, Netpub, Calgary Libraries in Action, 5 Minute AGM.


The Jobline was developed and is managed by the Foothills Library Association to support library, archive, and information management professionals through Western Canada.


The Rachel Chan Memorial Grant offers funding to FLA members in the form of a grant up to $500. The Rachel Chan Memorial Grant is named in honour of a former University of Calgary Librarian and FLA Executive member.